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Bulletin Board 

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Always Wanted to get Certified in EFT?


I’m organizing an EFT training 


Looking for professionals interested in being certified in the effective Emotional Freedom Technique or commonly known as Tapping.


We need to gather 6 practitioners and the lovely International trainer Pearl Lopian will come to offer a two day training in the NORTH

Reorienteering In Kaabiye


February 12, 2022

10:00 - 13:00

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Brilliantly tasty honey from a friend's farm in the south. 

For purchase from me in Tivon.

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Upcoming Events: Kiryat Tivon


REORIENTEERING Tu B'Shvat; Trees and Trails of Tivon


Reorienteering is a concept I created based on various parts of my professional life. It’s an exploratory look into the importance and process of orienting – while orienteering. Cultivating awareness and skills that are essential to orienteering and using them to navigate the stresses of everyday life.  We live in a traumatized nation and it affects all of us. Trauma narrows our focus and this is a fun way to bring back flexibility to the way you see what's in front of you.  You might be surprised at how your life experiences affect your sense of orienting.  It's part of my vision to use therapeutic adventure to reduce the effects of our stressful existence and create a bit of meaningful fun. 

I’m offering a nivut/orienteering activity for Tu B'Shvat for a new way to relate to the trees and the trails. You'll get a groovy orienteering map of a section of Kiryat Tivon and a guided adventure from the map to the trails. 

This event is an introductory experience and reflection in Reorienteering.  We will meet in Kiryat Tivon near the center. 


Many more events and workshops to come.

To read more about Reorienteering, click here.


To register, please call me at 052-4866046 or email

and more information for the site will be given.


All questions and curiosities are welcome.

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This Saturday!

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Reorienteering is Returning!

February 12th in the Aloney Forest 

meeting in Kaabiye

12:00 - 3:00

February 12th in the Aloney Abba Forest 

New Groups at Studio Phistukio

Also for Private 1:1

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Authentic Movement: The exquisite opportunity to explore both mover and witness. A movement process designed to cultivate the purity of being a witness to another as they move purely from the impulse within.

The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity.  Truly.  An old-time 12-week course to find, recover, and unblock your creative self amazingly now justified with all the current neuroscience.

Cross-Cultural Group for Women 70 and Over to sit, talk, and craft.


See the Forest Through the Trees: A weekly therapeutic walk in the forest among the mighty sculpted oaks listening and reflecting.

ReOrienteering: Cultivating awareness and skills that are essential to orienteering and using them to navigate the stresses of everyday life.


Be with the Animals: Because they can teach us everything about ourselves.


Each of these will also be offered in day workshops


Special Events:  Outdoor Safe


Saturday, January 29   ReOrienteering

Sunday, January 30 Tu B’Shvat Seder in Magical Aloney Abba Forest  

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To be continued at a totally unknown time hopefully in the near future...

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