The Hollow Path Experiential Therapy
Dear Squeaker, the cat who healed my age old asthma for cats. This cat brought healing to decades of wheezing and sneezing with cats with the simple daily actions of friendliness and warmth. She squeaked every time I came home or came outside and ran over with a friendliness that evaporated a lifetime of not touching cats. Something about this one was magical. She was so sure about what she was doing, even I believed she would change my life. She was the first cat I ever knew. To truly know a cat can make you believe they live 9 lives. Little by little each time she squeaked with companionship I came closer and closer. She seemed to know for sure what she was doing and soon I was petting her daily with no wheezing and no sneezing. She charmed the allergies right out of me with her tricolored softness and unabashed offering of friendship. I now have full out love for these little creatures. Squeaker opened the feline world to me to marvel at their athleticism, mesmorized by their agility and memorize their movements. I can play with their whiskers, nuzzle with their noses, and be soothed by their purrs.
And it wasn’t just with me. She carried wild sister Zulu with her; the more skittish, catlike, independent one. Squeaker softened even Zulu with her affection and watching the two of them together was good for the soul. She even got Zulu to let me pet her.